Church barbecue

Do come along and join us in this ever-popular event, following on from Divine Service. There will be a sign-up sheet at church nearer the time.

First aid course (part 2)

This Saturday sees the final of the 2 First Aid course sessions in the church hall. Primarily for the Montessori teachers, others are welcome to enquire about places since we did have a couple of spaces free. Speak to Pr Jon.

Open house at the Jenks’

Janet and Graham have very generously invited us to an open house – a light buffet lunch – at their house, following Divine Service. If you are able to come, please RSVP to them so they can plan the catering.

First aid course

We are running a first aid course in the church hall on 22 and 29 June, primarily for our Montessori teachers but others are welcome to join in too (cost £70 per person). Only a couple of spaces left, so speak to Pr Jon ASAP if you wish to join in.